How to protected our society from corona virus (COVID-19)

How to protected our society from corona virus (COVID-19)

What is a corona virus or COVID-19? 

Corona virus is a new virus, an unknown disease until its outbreak began in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Corona virus (COVID-19) is 7actually a major virus in which disease can occur to animals or humans, these viruses will spread from person to person. COVID-19 is mainly done through manufactured drops, while the inflamed person coughs, sneezes and speaks. Those droplets are too heavy to hang in the air, they quickly fall to surfaces and floors. Many systemic diseases in humans result from cold and respiratory infections in more extreme cases, including Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MMERS) and Serious Acute Respiratory Syndrome.


COVID-19 or Corona virus symptoms are:

The first and most frequent symptoms are fever, fatigue, and dry cough. In most cases pain and aches, runny nose, difficulty breathing, nasal congestion, sore throat and others will be infected, but no changes or symptoms develop and do not feel as if they are ill. People who have reached the age of 60 and who have underlying medical issues such as heart problems, diabetes, and high BP are more likely to develop COVID-19 with severe illness.


Are we at risk of COVID-19:

Most people are at risk of catching COVID-19, with diseases spreading too many new places around the world. Governments and health authorities are taking various actions to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Disease Control and Prevention "show evidence that the virus is mostly spread by large, often noticeable drops when someone coughs or sneezes." It recommends protecting ourselves from washing our hands, covering our sneezing and coughing, while maintaining social security. "This shows that all types of buildings are very effective in spreading the disease." With more reported cases of corona virus in India and around the world, it is understandable that people in residential apartment buildings are concerned about protecting themselves from COVID-19. To keep tenants and workers more secure, residential societies should take measures to reduce the spread risk. However, the situation is unpredictable.


Security measures to keep our society safe:

There are some precautions we can take to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 among us.

Washing our hands repeatedly and before entering our home, with alcohol-based hand sanitizers or with soap kills viruses that may be on our hands. In your apartment, regularly clean high transport places in normal locations and they should be repeated several times a day. Apartment management and owners are also instructed on places to clean parking lots, elevators, lobbies and corridors, front desks, common restrooms, children's playrooms, lifts, door handles, swimming pools, gyms, health clubs, and delivery areas needed. Items must be picked up and not brought to the apartment in the lobby.

We have to maintain a distance of at least 3 feet from one person to another when a person coughs or sneezes. This helps us avoid spraying small liquid droplets from our mouth and nose which will contain a virus. If we stay too close, we can also breathe in droplets while sneezing, including the COVID-19 virus when a person who coughs or sneezes has the disease.

Avoid often going out for medical necessities such as supermarkets, congested areas, food markets and shopping malls for our daily needs, try using open shops near your society.

Avoid using lifts, COVID-19 virus can remain on copper for 4 hours, surface, doors and plastics for 24 hours and on steel it will remain for 72hours. The best example that has been used in some residential apartments:

In some residential properties in China, toothpicks have already been added to elevators so that people can work with them. Ear buds may be another option.

Some nets were also instructed on how to use ball styling to press the raise button. After pressing the key, the pen will be covered with its cap.

Meanwhile, AI-powered lifts have been spotted online to allow people to send voice commands instead of push lift keys by a Beijing-based company that is developing an artificial intelligence-enabled lift. Wear a mask when suffering from symptoms of COVID-19 or in particular coughing, not caring for those infected with COVID-19. Face masks can be used only once and immediately after applying them in a closed mask.

Apartments often have to be cleaned, if the surfaces of the house are cleaned regularly, all experts suggest that it is first with a cleaner and second with a disinfectant. Please take extra precautions if you have roommates. You can also implement sanitary systems in your apartment, sanitizers in a building such as a building entrance, gym, common area and mailbox, please allow tenants, workers, elevators and guests to use it daily or when it is required. Outside of all garbage cans and plastic garbage cans, dry / wet garbage cans in the lobby should be fastened with one day, no need or need in society to remove tissue removed from the ground.

Avoid sharing things with others, no household items such as cups, blankets, or even bedding are included, we should avoid exchanges, we must ensure that once after use Wash these things thoroughly. If we want to share anything with our apartment's neighbors, try to avoid or wash them before use, while the virus stays on the plastic for 24 hours.

Security checks at the entrance of residential apartments, when all workers and workers know that their jobs are safe and they should stay home if they are ill, society officials must provide favorable instructions for all workers. Sick workers can only transmit resident pathogens. Ask the society management to ensure that all employees follow the same policy. Residents and visitors should be advised to warn property managers when entering society, especially if they believe they have contracted corona virus. It helps other tenants and workers to be vigilant and take proper care.

In the event that residents and visitors feel they have contracted corona viruses, especially if they were using common areas, proper maintenance of the property will also have to be encouraged. It helps every tenant including workers to be aware and take proper care.

We have to avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth. We may touch the floors or other surfaces of others, which may contain viruses. The contaminated virus can transfer the virus to your mouth, nose and eyes, this virus can enter our body and make us sick. We must ensure that all people living in your society / apartment follow good respiratory hygiene. You can protect yourself and others by following the hygiene rules in your apartment COVID-19.

If we are ill at home and want medical awareness and call in advance, follow the instructions of our local health authority. Not to drive, swimming pools must be closed, using cab lifts or common spaces, lifts and play areas. Now we sit at home and relax, further we soon recover, not only to harm you and others. If possible, use nutritious food and personal products. It will protect itself and prevent the spread of viruses and other infections inside our apartment.

Avoid traveling to such places, especially if you are over 55 years old or have diabetes, heart or lung disease. These people would be more likely to catch COVID-19.

If someone has visited recently, where COVID-19 is spreading. If you start feeling unwell even with mild symptoms, isolate yourself by staying at home.

Can our pets be infected with COVID-19: We know that patients with COVID-19 are infected with the disease, including animals and cats? Some pets may become infected by close contact with infected humans. Further research is needed to determine how the virus can be transmitted by cattle and plants. It is still too early to know whether cats can be included in the broadcast of COVID-19.

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